Since 2016, I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Apple in California, USA, where I'm part of a Special Projects Group (SPG) working on Autonomous Systems.

In 2015-2016 I was an Experienced Researcher at the Institute for Complex Systems in Florence, Italy, as part of "NETT", a Marie-Curie Initial Training Network funded by the European Union. There, I worked on Computational Neuroscience, specifically spike-train analysis. For example, I implemented some basic spike train distance measure in Python in the PySpike library.


In 2014, I was a guest scientist at the Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany. There, I was working on visualizing chaos in high-dimensional chaotic systems and on the role of chaos as the source of diffusion in disordered nonlinear models.

In 2013, I was a guest researcher at the Ste||ar group at the Center for Computation and Technology of the Louisiana State University. My visit there was funded by the DAAD and the LSU. My work focused on combining the odeint library with HPX, with the aim to allow simulations of ODEs on big scale supercomputers.

In December 2012 I finished my PhD at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Potsdam in the group on Statistical Physics and Chaos Theory. I was working mainly on nonlinear disordered lattices and high dimensional, weak chaos. My PhD thesis was on "Chaotic Diffusion in Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems".

In 2012, I was staying at the Institut Henri Poincare in Paris for three months, where I attended the trimester program on Disordered Quantum Systems.


I took part in the HPC Europa2 program staying Bologna and Florence in 2011 where I got access to the CINECA sp6 supercomputer to perform numerical simulations of two dimensional systems. 


In 2011, I participated in the Google Summer of Code  where I worked on our library for solving differential equations: odeint. The project was mentored by the boost community.